
It is a bargain! Best Quality Ford VCM II on sale

Sometimes it pays to wait. OBDexpress has discounted the Best Quality VCM 2 IOEM Diagnostic Tool IDS V84 months after the tool launched worldwide. All OBDexpress members will get 20% off the original price at only €282.00!

The Ford VCM II is the latest Ford OEM diagnostic tool. It can work on a wide range of Ford models with standard OBD II. It ensures dealer-level diagnostics by using the IDS software. With this VCM 2, you can diagnose car problems, read and clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes, find guided fault, bleed brakes, program new keys and ECU, etc.

The product supports multiple languages such as Spanish, English, reece, erman, anmark, Chinese, American English, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Italy, French and French.

