I find a good Renault
CAN Clip. I
think it is usually the very best analytic Asst. It is Renault CAN Clip.
Renault CAN Clip is a being employed as automobile details studying, ECU
testing, OBD screening, re-training, airbag tests, and many others, for renault
vehicle types. Renault
CAN Clip diagnosis
of Renault cars models including automatically test all vehicle’s computers.
The newly updated version is V 129; Renault
CAN Clip has more function, let me show some outstanding features of
this car diagnostic tool. As follow: Renault clip can read all the information
about the automobile. It can tell you what happen to your car and which part
problem. It automatically has computer test and automatic test to your car in
order to avoid broken problems. It automatically reprograms the program of your
car and has airbag test and OBD tests. This Renault
CAN Clip also supports the
following languages: English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese,
Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Norway ,
Swedish, and Romania .