
FAQ about VVDI VAG china

About Language
Q: Is VVDI only available with English, I want French.
A: “ImmoPlus” has no French, it only has English and Chinese, and “VAG Commander Software” has French.
About update
Q: How to update 
VVDI China VAG Vehicle Diagnostic Interface?
A: 1) VVDI Hardware update: use the upgrade tool “commanderupdate v1.3″(please contact us to send you) to find out the Serial Number and then send it us, after we complete update, we will send you the updating software, after receiving the software, import it into “commanderupdate v1.3″ to update hardware.
2) VVDI software update: once we have the newest version software, we will add the download link at the 
VVDIdescription page and remark the additional features.
About installation
Q: I can’t connect with the interface VVDI I don’t know what happened but doesn’t connect
A: Please click column “Video” to watch the Video tutorial, it is about how to connect the VVDI with the computer and the car, and how to install the VVDI driver.
Q: VVDI got error reading “unable to connect to device”, then I use another computer, got the same error, the serial port is Ok.
A: Please check VVDI driver is successfully installed, have no idea on how to install
 driver, please watch the video tutorial uploaded at the column “Video”.

